Archdiocese Of Atlanta – For a Synodal Church 2021-2023

What is a Synod?

The Synod is a gathering of bishops that…

  • Fosters closer unity between the bishops and Pope
  • Provides counsel to the Pope on matters of faith and morals and
    discipline of the Church
  • Studies questions concerning the Church in the world

Voting in the Synod of Bishops is limited to bishops present at the synod gathering. However, clergy, men and women religious, theologians, catechists, canon lawyers and lay experts all participate in the synod gathering with bishops by providing their counsel.

Synodality and the synodal process are not a gathering or meeting of bishops, nor are they the administrative arm of the Church. Rather, synodality is the path and process of the Church as communion. It is the communion of all the baptized who are listening to each other, dialoguing with each other and praying together to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as we all seek holiness and proclaim the Gospel. Synodality involves clergy, religious and laity listening and speaking, praying and discerning together and placing the hopes and concerns of the People of God in the hands and hearts of the bishops, who, united with the Pope, decide matters of faith and morals in order to preserve the faith and strengthen the Church throughout the world.

In a nutshell, referring to the Church as synodal recalls the basic truth that every baptized member is a subject or agent of evangelization, co-responsible for the Church’s mission.

Adsumus, Sancte Spiritus*

Prayer of invocation to the Holy Spirit for an ecclesial assembly of governance or discernment

March 12th – Small Group Listening

The Archdiocese of Atlanta invites all people within the archdiocese to participate. You can offer prayers, attend an in-person or virtual listening session at the parish, school or community level, or attend a regional listening session and/or submit a response to our survey above.

Before you attend a listening session, it might be helpful to read this Participant Guide. Find them below.

In order to hear all the voices present, we ask that everyone follow these Participant Ground Rules.

All voices are welcome here.

Click “Sign up here” below to be taken to a sign-up genie in order to sign up for a virtual listening session for parishioners of St. James the Apostle.

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