St. James is privileged to offer 2 programs published by Ignatius Press. Our programs; Image of God (Pre K – Kindergarten) and Faith and Life (Elementary), are rooted in Scripture, Prayer, and Catholic Doctrine. We use the Church’s documents as guides: The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sharing the Light of Faith: The National Catechetical Directory of the United States, and the Guidelines of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The curriculum materials are approved by the United States Bishop’s Conference, Washington, D.C., and the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
“Image of God” – (Pre K – Kindergarten)

The Image of God series is an exciting and comprehensive Catholic program that has as its foundation the creation of human beings in God’s own likeness. The greatest confirmation of man’s unique dignity is the Incarnation of Christ, the God-man who is the perfect image of the Father and who reveals God as Love, especially by the Cross and Resurrection. In revealing God, Christ showed us who we are and how to act. This emphasis on the dignity of the individual child as the foundation of this series is taken from Scripture, the documents of Vatican II, and the writing of John Paul II. It presents the Catholic Faith in a stimulating and easy to read format that is being praised by teachers, pastors, and bishops.
For more information on this program, please visit the Image of God website.
“Faith & Life” – Elementary

The Faith and Life series was written for both school and parish use and is now in its Third Edition with separate manuals for the teacher in a daily classroom setting (Teacher’s Manual) and the catechist in a once a week classroom setting (Parish Catechist Manual) while the student uses both a Student Textbook and a separate Activity Book
The Faith and Life Third Edition series presents Catholic teaching using the time-tested ecclesial methodology and spiral development of catechesis, in a beautiful, student-friendly, comprehensive format.
The Faith and Life series was the first catechetical series to be found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church without any need for change, and it’s Third Edition still meets these criteria.
Endorsements for the Faith & Life Series
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (former Pope Benedict XVI) has mentioned that Faith and Life is “the best catechetical series in the German language.”
“I am happy to report that this series is not only complete, it possesses excellence, in a way that itself promotes the values of our holy faith. The sweep of the content fulfills all goals — everything is there, from the history of salvation across the pages of the Old and New Testaments, to sections devoted to providing young children with clear and non-threatening explanations of the commandments, the sacraments, the moral life, and the structure of our Church. The value of prayer is assisted by a brief but complete compendium of prayers at the end of the volume. The very words unique to the Catholic faith are methodically presented and explained, and again, collected at the rear of the book for easy reference. Of particular value is the accompanying activity book which, along with the teacher’s guide, provides more than ample resources for the instructor to be constantly involved in the discovery and exploration that is going on in the student’s mind. And, perhaps most important, the level of writing is not condescending, but rather challenges the student to improve the mind as religious knowledge is imparted. This challenge invites the mutual participation of student and parents in the education process, a component which ensures the best kind of religious education — the kind that embraces child, family, and Church.
I do not believe any better series can be found to enhance the teaching of the Gospel and life in the Catholic Church for our young students and their families, and I recommend the Faith and Life series without reservation.”
– Most Rev. John F. Donoghue, Archbishop Emeritus of Atlanta
“Marvelous — this series will help you follow the Holy Father’s desire that you teach your children.”
– Mother Angelica, Founder of EWTN
“I give the Faith and Life series my highest recommendation. We teach our children with these texts and encourage others to do the same… [It] presents the faith with clarity, depth, and great beauty.”
– Scott Hahn, Steubenville, OH
For more information on this series, please visit the Faith & Life website.