It is with great pleasure that we welcome you and your family to our Faith Formation program. We are privileged to serve in the ministry of “sharing the Catholic Christian faith” with all our children, from our youngest children to those in their teens.
Faith is a relationship with the living God, which, like all relationships, in order to thrive must constantly be nurtured. Parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith and we are honored to support parents, children, youth and all parishioners in their lifelong journey of faith. We offer a variety of programs for children age four through high school to spread the good news of Jesus Christ through prayer, study and action.
Our catechists, Middle School Leaders, and Youth Ministry Core Members generously volunteer their time and talents. They are the backbone of our catechetical ministry. We ask for your prayers and support of these men and women in this important ministry of sharing the faith with our children and teens.
Mission Statement
“All authority in heaven and earth is given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always, Yes, to the end of time.”
Matthew 28:18-20
With these words, Jesus commissioned his followers to make disciples, baptize and teach all nations. Today, the Church, faithful to his command, brings the “Good News of Salvation” by proclaiming the Gospel, by celebrating the Sacred Mysteries in Liturgy and Worship, and by offering service to those in need.
The Faith Formation Department at St. James Catholic Church takes up Jesus’ mission. We aim “to share the Light of Faith” through instruction, celebration of prayer and liturgy, and commitment to others’ needs through service and works of mercy.