The mission of New Beginnings Ministry of St. James the Apostle Catholic Church is to show God’s love by providing spiritual and practical assistance for the poor, homeless, and hungry in our local community.
New Beginnings meets the 3rd Monday of each month.
New Beginnings Ministry is always looking for volunteers and ways to help our brothers and sisters in need. Below please find a list of the many things we do and the ways in which you can help if you would like to volunteer. If physical limitations prevent you from taking an active role in our group, know that we need prayer warriors to help our ministry flourish and expand.
Donations of food and toiletries are always welcome and can be left in the wooden bin in the rear of the Parish Hall.
New Beginnings accepts monetary donations through online giving via the St. James the Apostle website, envelope donations in June and August, and our annual Prescription to End Homelessness fund raiser in November.
What we do…
Provide 45 families with food prior to school breaks and holidays which are distributed through Henry County Schools
Provide breakfast snacks to local schools
Assemble and distribute 50 adult grace bags filled with food and toiletries each month
Assemble and distribute 30 children’s grace bags filled with food, toiletries and a fun item each month.
Collect school supplies in July and August and donate those items to the Henry County Student Support Center for needy children
Provide Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter food boxes for needy families
Collect and distribute coats, scarves, hats, gloves, socks, blankets for the needy during the winter months.
Provide emergency assistance to homeless by providing temporary hotel rooms
Provide toiletry items for fathers through the Caps for Dads project
Provide Easter Baskets for needy children
Provide toiletry items for moms through the Purses for Moms project
Assemble and distribute Christmas stocking for needy children
Donate food and toiletry items to local food banks, Haven House, A Friend’s House etc.
For more information contact Joel Walker or the parish office.