Eucharistic Adoration

“Could you not spend an hour with Me?”     
Matthew 26:40

All are welcome to come adore our Lord in the Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel.

Our current adoration times are:

Adoration Schedule

  • Monday: 9am – 10pm
  • Tuesday: 9am – 10pm
  • Wednesday: 9am – 10pm (In Church 7-8PM)
  • Thursday: 9am – 10pm

(We will still have First Friday adoration from 9am until 8pm and Wednesday evening adoration from 7pm until 8pm in the church.)

What does it mean to be a guardian? What exactly is Eucharistic Adoration? Click the button below to find many answers to questions you may have.

Our goal is to have perpetual adoration, but we can only accomplish this through the commitment of the parish. We will increase our adoration times in phases, and as we have guardians for the needed hours, we will open up more times.

For more information please contact the Adoration Coordinator at

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