What is Adult Faith Formation?
Faith Formation for all ages serves the continuing conversion and ongoing formation of those who are “practicing Catholics.”
The journey of faith is the responsibility of the whole Catholic community. Ongoing catechesis fosters the growth of a more mature faith in the members of the community. It aims to make each person’s faith “living, explicit and active…enlightened by doctrine.
The National Directory for Catechesis says ongoing catechesis is: “a lifelong process for the individual and a constant and concerted pastoral activity of the Christian community” (NDC #19E).
Adult Faith Formation follows the same calendar as the Elementary, Middle, and High School Faith Formation programs for the convenience of parents and grandparents who bring their children to Faith Formation classes. You are invited to share in Faith, Fellowship, and Food!
For more information , please reach out to Deacon Charles Iner at ciner@stjamesapostle.com